The Toolkit returns? - weeknotes #59
First week with an M1 laptop. It’s kind of insane, and it’s the little things. The instant wake and opening of apps. The whole-workday battery life. The total silence.
I followed up on a few leads for the Digital Evidence Toolkit, and it’s quite pleasant to see that some of them are still ongoing.
The plans remain the same, though: I’m still fleshing out options for either future work (collaboration on an org-wide instance, for example) or pivots (provide chain-of-custody as a service kind of a thing).
It appears that I did a couple of Clojure/ClojureScript things this week. Bastien had his big moment as the minister announced ambitious plans for the Digital Commons, and I ended up submitting a couple of CLJS patches to, which aggregates open source code and projects from the French administration.
There’s a chart that’s been bugging me in this release, and so I’m looking into either re-doing it in a nice, pure HTML form (which I’m yet to draft) or just bash it with Observable’s latest baby: Plot.
CLJS interops with Javascript, but it’s kind of a funny one. See for example the need to move data structures between Clojure and JS with clj->js
and the relatively gross rendering of Plot’s return, which is a built SVGElement
(defn make-plot [data]
(-> {:marks
(clj->js data)
(clj->js {:x "letter" :y "frequency"}))]
:x {:label ""}
:caption "test caption"}
(defn <header> []
[ "Frequency of letters in the English language"]])
(defn render-dom-el
"Renders a js DOM element as a reagent component, and updates
when the DOM element updates, too"
[dom-el] [:div {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html (.-outerHTML dom-el)}}])
And I had a lovely chat with Chris (who also writes weeknotes), a mix of a friendly catchup and sussing out “collabs.”
- “Arcane, hereditary, all-male — and at the heart of British democracy” by George Parker from the Financial Times. Comes for the artistocratic tosh, stay for the plot twist explaning why they’re still around.
- “Suppose I Wanted to Kill a Lot of Pilots” by But What For? on Substack. I’ve just discovered this way of finding answers through coachings, and found the writing to be a real eye-opener.