We need better career paths for news nerds, a reading list
Joy of joys, I am in Italy again.
This year again, I came to Perugia for the International Journalism Festival, where I moderated a panel about career paths for news nerds.
I invited Lisa, Nikki and Martin to come for this chat following my teaser Nieman Lab “prediction” from December last year.
Here is the reading list we compiled
- “Interactive Journalism - Hackers, Data, and Code”, Nikki Usher, 2016
- “Journalists, meet your new overlords: when nerds run the show”, will take place on Sat April 14th panel, Sala del Dottorato
- “In defense of unicorns”, Chase Davis, February 2014
- The New York Times Innovation report, March 2014
- “If Data Visualization is so hot, why are people leaving the field?”, Elijah Meeks, March 2017
- “655 Frustrations Doing Data Visualization”, Shirley Wu, September 2017
- “Five years in news nerd careers”, part 1 and part 2, Source, October 2017
- “That frustrating thing about creating dataviz in newsrooms”, Lisa C. Rost, October 2017
- “Here’s how newsrooms pay journalists who code, design and analyse data”, Soo Oh, December 2017
- “We need better career paths for news nerds”, Basile Simon, December 2017
- “We need more career paths for news nerds”, Matt Dempsey, March 2018
Thank you to the Journalism Festival for inviting us again and making all of these discussions possible.